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Monday, March 31, 2025

How to Ensure That Your Day (and Evening) Working from Home Goes Uninterrupted?

  • Samara
  • Everyone’s been there: you’re sitting in your home office, desperately trying to concentrate, while your kids are running around yelling and the dog is barking downstairs at the kids playing outside your house (who are shouting and yelling), and your spouse is banging and crashing around the house trying to get chores done. 

    You just want a moment of good old peace to get your crucial work done, but nobody is letting you do it, and it might even feel like the whole world is against you. This is why you should think about implementing some rules in your household and investing in some little gadgets to make sure that you are undisturbed when you are working from home. 

    You Need to be Strict with the Rules Inside Your House

    While creating a home office and starting work from home, you are going to need to tighten up the rules a little and start with asking that nobody is allowed to play or talk outside your office door (or whatever space you happen to be using). You might find it more beneficial if that workspace is on the second floor of your building, and you ask that nobody talks or makes loud noises when on the floor, so you can get on with a minimum of disruption. 

    You might even talk to your spouse about noise levels when you are working, meaning that chores are pushed to your lunch break or after hours, or even exclusively when you are in the office if you are hybrid working. This can help you concentrate without feeling your own household is working against you. 

    Think About Distractions Outside Your Home

    There is nothing wrong with smaller kids playing outside. In fact, you might be of the opinion that it doesn’t happen enough (even if it does make your dog bark). However, youths hanging around your house in the evenings might be an entirely different matter. Happy playing noises are likely to be replaced with loud music or swearing, graphic conversations that you don’t want to hear, or even the sound of things being broken or damaged.

    Rather than go outside and ask them to move on (which is not always a good idea), you could use a device from that emits a high pitched noise (you won’t hear it, but teenagers will) that is likely to make them move on and let you finish your days work in peace.

    Don’t Overlook the Design of Your Office

    If your office is a makeshift affair, cobbled together quickly when the pandemic first hit, you might want to think about switching it up a little bit. Ideally, you’ll want a space that you can call your own that you decorate yourself. 

    You might even find that it is beneficial to have your own mini-fridge and drinks area so you can get something to drink without getting distracted by the littlest of things, such as just going down to get a snack from the kitchen and ending up doing a “seeing as you’re down here …” errand. It can help you keep concentrating on your work, in your own little space. 

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