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Wednesday, March 26, 2025

A Quick Look at 5 Common Geriatric Illnesses and Conditions

  • Alena Maxwell
  • While many of the diseases common among geriatric patients can set in at almost any age, some are more common among the elderly. For this reason, it helps to know what the most common diseases and conditions are so that they can be easily recognized and then treated accordingly. Here are just five of the most common.

    Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease

    Unfortunately, altogether too many people believe these are one and the same disease. While they can present the same in the early stages of Alzheimer’s disease, they are not the same at all. The one glaring similarity is dementia which is common among the elderly. From there, the similarity ends. While dementia can sometimes be slowed and even reversed to some small extent, that is not so with Alzheimer’s. 

    This is why amazing senior residences like the Pathway to Living group of assisted living and memory care facilities are so important. Both take special care, but the length and type of care will vary based on the diagnosis. With that said, it should be understood that they are not the same and even small differences are important.

    Cardiovascular Diseases

    There are so many different types of cardiovascular diseases and many of them tend to present later in life. Treatment can range from medication to surgery and everything in between. The most common cardiovascular diseases are:

    • Heart attack and heart failure
    • Stroke
    • Heart valve failure and complications
    • Arrhythmia

    Sometimes major surgery is called for such as bypass surgery or valve replacement and other times conditions like arrhythmia can be treated with medication. In any case, heart disease is one of the most lethal diseases in people of any age, so the symptoms should be understood to be identified timely.


    Here again, diabetes can be congenital, or it can develop later in life. Yes, younger people can develop diabetes, but it most commonly presents in older adults. There is a difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, and although the treatment is much the same, the differences should be understood.


    Osteoporosis is a condition whereby bones become fragile and brittle. A slight bump or fall can cause a severe fracture in the elderly and although there are vitamins available to promote strong bones, these do little good by the time one reaches their senior years. Suffice it to say, seniors diagnosed with osteoporosis should take extra care to protect those fragile, brittle bones.


    Sadly, cancer strikes millions of Americans every year and although people of all ages can be diagnosed with one of the many forms of cancer (more than 100 types), it is most prevalent in geriatric patients. As is the case with all cancers, it is a disease stemming from the uncontrolled reproduction of cells – in laymen’s terms. That said, the treatments can be just as fearful as the disease itself and why geriatric patients often require around-the-clock care.

    These are just five of the leading diseases and conditions in the elderly population, but enough to explain just how important it is to ensure our seniors are well cared for. With proper care and treatment, they can have a good quality of life, but left on their own they can suffer greatly. Learn the common diseases and conditions and you will be in a much better position to care for your aging relatives. If it’s not something you can do, remember there are senior residences that specialize in this kind of care, so you are not alone.

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